Is a charitable Christian organization founded in the United States in 2022
The acronym KMA stands and emphasizes three words : kingdom, mission and alliance.
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KMA urges us to put God’s kingdom above our own organizations and to live with an eternal perspective without being tangled up in a temporary and earthly agenda. It reminds us our Lord’s Prayer and teaching to fulfill His will on earth as it is in heaven and advance His kingdom among all peoples. In addition, we believe God’s kingdom is greater than all of us therefore we give priority to His kingdom and work in unity. We believe the Body of Christ is one and all of us who believe in Christ are members of this same Body of Christ.


Our mission is to fulfill the Great Commission that our Lord Jesus Christ has given us in Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15 and Acts 1:8. This means (1) reconcile man to God, man to himself and man to creation (2) reach peoples, tribes, languages and nations with the gospel and make disciples and to train and equip them to fulfill the Great Commission; (3) give priority to those who have little or no access to the gospel; (4) express our faith in work and our love for our neighbors in action through providing practical help and support.


Alliance is one of the ways we reveal the unity of the Spirit in the Lord in action and at the same time it is the way we overcome the enemy, increase our fruitfulness in our service, witness that Christ was sent by God and demonstrate to the world that we who belong to Jesus are disciples of Christ. Therefore KMA creates an ideal environment to love one another (John 13:34-35), to work together in unity (John 17), to support and serve together in humility, to strengthen the unity of the Church and to promote righteous influence in order to accomplish God’s eternal agenda for His glory.

Who We Are

Kingdom Mission Alliance (KMA) is a charitable Christian organization founded in the United States in 2022. The purpose of this organization (KMA) is to create spiritual unity among the Ethiopian and Eritrean evangelical churches in North America, Ethiopia and all over the world through tactical coordination in order to take the gospel to all nations and minister to the whole person. The acronym KMA stands and emphasizes three words: kingdom, mission and alliance.

How did KMA Started?

KMA was started when few brethren sensed God’s will to start an alliance that will create an ideal environment to bring churches, organizations and individuals under one umbrella to play our role in completing the Great Commission. This is how it all began:

+1 (913) 246-1424
15000 W 63rd St, Shawnee, KS 66216